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The Prestige Florist Network is simple to use! Find out more

The Prestige Florist™ Network is a free florist membership service that allows local florists to take advantage of orders placed from customers around the globe.
Unlike "florist relay networks", you have no contract which means you are free to work with whoever you decide. Our network differs from others, you receive additional orders in your area as part of our always free network and receive industry leading commissions.
We also have attractive offers when sending orders through our network, this includes 25% commision and a £5 profit bonus for the first 3 months. You, the florist is our priority, you have access to a dedicated florist manager via email and phone to respond to any queries you may have.
Unlike "florist relay networks", you have no contract which means you are free to work with whoever you decide. Our network differs from others, you receive additional orders in your area as part of our always free network and receive industry leading commissions.
We also have attractive offers when sending orders through our network, this includes 25% commision and a £5 profit bonus for the first 3 months. You, the florist is our priority, you have access to a dedicated florist manager via email and phone to respond to any queries you may have.